06 November 2008

THIS is the one of kinds of change we need

You'd think everyone on the Obama team would be celebrating today. But you'd be wrong.

There is major agita among some key elements of President-elect Barack Obama's juggernaut. For example, the big-money types and "bundlers," the fundraisers who helped put together Obama's stunning financial advantage, are expecting their reward -- say a nice, cushy ambassadorship in Rome or Paris or London…

But the chatter is that they'd better not count on it. The traditional sale of most ambassadorships… may not continue.

Early speculation is that Obama may select people... with some foreign policy credentials or knowledge of a country's language or culture

(Ambassadorships have been bought by wealthy campaign contributors since the time of Jefferson. If this actually changes, it may be an early indicator that we're going to see something other than "politics as usual.")

1 comment:

  1. That is a bold statement when a candidate who spent over a billion dollars (candidate and party) on his campaign just won the White House.


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